Samstag, 3. August 2013

I need your Help! Which shirt is this!? Win 10€

Hey guys! Very long time of no posting here sorry! But now I need your help! I want to buy this shirt but don't know which brand it is! 

10€ via Paypal for the person who send me the link to buy the shirt Ronaldo is wearing! :) 
So it's some kind of contest here!

Also a comment from which brand the shirt is would be helpfull! I found nothing at Dsquared, Gucci, Diesel, Dolce&Gabbana.

Next Style posts come soon when somebody told me which brand it is! :D

UPDATE!! Found it by myself! But it's only an ebay auction! Seems to be a promo shirt!!

11 Kommentare:

  1. guilty is a gucci fragrance and i am not sure but i think this shirt is just a promotion shirt and you can not buy it in stores.

    1. Yeah I know this but I don't think so! Search for gucci guilty at google pictures. The models are very different than on this shirt. And if it would be an ad shirt for the parfum there must be some kind of gucci logo or bottle or something on the shirt. Would be untypic for Gucci!
      So I'm sure it's a shirt which anyone can buy..

    2. hmm ok i will ask a friend this week... she works at gucci so i think she can help us :))

    3. OK she asked and it seems that they don't know the brand. They don't sell it in a Gucci store... so there is one more option: A brand (I think it's the brand) called Not Guilty. Did not find this shirt but some are similar...

    4. Wow! Thx for your engagement!! Very kind!
      And youre right! Not guilty seems to be the brand! I wrote a message to them if the shirt is from them! I will post it when they answer! :)

    5. I hope it's from Not Guilty :) Would really like to buy it, too...

    6. Hey man :) You found the shirt? Waiting for an update and some new outfits!!

      e.g. this one:

    7. hey man. any updates on the shirt? would like to buy it, too :))

  2. oook i talked to her and she said it could be gucci but she's not sure. they don't sell it but that doesn't mean anything.

    she will ask a colleague and call me :)

    1. Hey no I found nothing and got no answer from Not Guilty! :( Sorry! But I post from now on more often again :)
